Secure site registration

All fields are required.

Your contact info

First Name Last Name Title Company Name

Note: A confirmation email will be sent to this address.

Your company info

Policy Number
Employer ID Number (EIN?)
Policy Affiliation

Your access

Select which features this user will be allowed to access (check all that apply).

Your user ID and password

User IDs must be 8 to 20 characters long and contain only letters and/or numbers. User IDs are not case sensitive. Passwords must be at least eight characters long and must include uppercase and lowercase letters and a number or symbol. Passwords are case sensitive.

User ID Password Confirm Password  

Do not share your password with others.

Where is my Employer Id Number?

By law each employer must have an Employer Identification Number (EIN). This is a unique number for each employer and is assigned by the federal government. A sole-proprietor may opt to provide their Social Security Number (SSN) in place of an EIN.

The EIN you enter to register for online access must match the EIN that SAIF has on file for your company.

If you need an EIN, please refer to the IRS site on how to Apply for an EIN.